
Posts Tagged ‘defensible space’

The Nevada Department of Forestry declared no campfires, anywhere, until further notice. We haul our old propane bbq with us in our toy hauler so we can still cook outside when we go camping. We miss evening fires but we’re ok with that. Who wants to be the jerk that burns down the state anyways?

We went from unseasonal rains to extremely dry and abnormally hot weather. Everyone I’ve talked to said they can’t remember ever having a statewide restriction like this. I know it has been common in other states to have such broad restrictions so I guess Nevada just has to follow suit now.

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I had a large vacant spot by the kids pirate ship that just seemed to be a waste of space. I also had a need for a protected area to plant tomatoes to protect them from the local critters that like to eat my plants to the ground, given the chance.

So I mention this dilemna to my husband and he built me a creative raised bed with scraps from our never ending wood pile.


Upright boards and 6" Round Posts

Upright boards and 6" Round Posts

Then he used some rope leftover from the pirate ship project to make a decorative perimeter. He was able to flow the look of existing wood retaining wall by using the same wood, but changed the direction of the boards and added  the rope to match the ship with a nautical touch.


Adds a Nautical Touch

Adds a Nautical Touch

It did take a yard of dirt to fill, but that was affordable and easy. We just filled the bed of his truck at Moana Nursery


Jeni Gave Me Heirloom Tomatos and I Use a Florida Weave for Support

Jeni Gave Me Heirloom Tomatos and I Use a Florida Weave for Support

Then Jeni brought me some tomato plants and VOILA! A new garden is born. My only wish is that I had a picture of the garden from this morning. We’ve had so much rain lately that the plants are thriving and blooming.

I use a Florida Weave to support the plants but instead of matal posts, I cut back some willow branches to use instead. They will root and I can transplant them in the fall. And I use standard twine for the weave. We keep a huge roll in the garage since it only has about 2 million uses!

This is also on the edge of our patio, so it provides a few other benefits as well. It is another addition to the defensible space around our home, I love to dine outside and actually watch food grow (for some reason, what I’m eating always tastes better!) and it is convenient to monitor water/bugs/etc when I don’t have to hike out to maintain another section of the property.

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A very strange thing has happened this week. We’ve had rain everyday. Hopefully it will continue through the week.

This really isn’t normal for this time of year. Come to think of it, I don’t think it is a normal weather pattern ever considering the length of time. Please don’t think I’m complaining. Definitely not!

The good? Recently the Division of Forestry came through and cleared 50 feet of brush and trees on either side of the road in our section of the neighborhood. The moisture brings out the fresh smell of the cut pine and they seemed to have spread lupine seeds far and wide. With this rain, they are blooming up and down the roads. I’m starting to feel like I’m in the hill country of Texas when the Bluebonnets are in bloom!

Lupine AKA Bluebonnets

Lupine AKA Bluebonnets

I appreciate the dust staying down since it is constantly damp. The rainbows in the evenings are beautiful over the mountains. The double rainbows are even more fabulous. The birds are in my garden singing their happiness and the garden itself is thriving. My house stays cool enough that I don’t want to crawl out of my cozy bed in the morning.




The downside? There really isn’t too much to consider. When I see the lightening striking in the distance, I hope the rain continues as protection against fires. Unfortunately, the weeds are thriving too. The cheat grass is going to seed faster than I can kill and bag it. So as soon as I think I’ve removed all of it around my house, it grows back. This in itself is becoming a full time job! If you aren’t aware of the dangers of cheatgrass, please read this.


Northern Nevada is wet and the good definitely outweighs the bad. I just hope it continues through the week like the forecasters predict!

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With more and more people losing their homes, do you wonder where they will go? An apartment maybe, or I’ve heard of people walking away from their mortgages because they can rent a nicer home for half the price they were paying to own….

So my next question is who is making money right now? The rental owners or the banks with mortgages? The banks are working hard to correct their balance sheets but the investors in rental property are where the money is, and will be for a while.

I’m wondering where this is all heading. I would like to sell my home to upgrade in acreage but I’m caught in the same trap as the majority of people these days. But the smart people are always the ones to take advantage of a crisis. I want to be one of those people and I want to know all of my options.

Buying houses now, that sometimes cost less than when they did brand spanking new 4 years ago, is where the economy seems to be going. Those who were financially strong through the boom, and continued to keep financial stability during the bust, are the ones who are snapping up properties now. Especially if you realize that people have to live somewhere, the affordable investment is more secure than the 401k or IRA of last year.

The rental investor can offer such competitive rates and of course there is demand. Any industry that people create wealth in has to have a demand and investors able to take advantage of the situation. Of course, the demand stems from home owners not able to keep their investment but still needing a home and DESIRING a nice home to live in.

The investors with the courage to snap up short sales and foreclosures for 50% (or less) of their value will continue to make a profit for years to come. With the affordable prices, they are gaining a real estate asset immediately. With demand, the business model is a sure bet. With desirability, they are proud of where their money is parked.

Affordable. Demand. Desirable. Today wealth isn’t created like the automobile industry at the turn of the century or even the computer industry in the 1990’s, it is real estate. Where will your investment be tomorrow?

Me? I’m thinking it is time to quit my relationship with Wall Street and channel my funds into making my home a rental property. I have been a landlord before and it is a huge responsibility. At least it is if you don’t want to be a slum-lord. But, my husband and I are looking at our options. If we can’t sell our home for what we owe maybe we should rent it. We have been approached by rental opportunities but we were wary. I think it is definitely time to come up with a game plan and pursue this path.

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My local source is Dry Creek Gardens in Reno, NV
My local source is Dry Creek Gardens in Reno, NV
Slope plantings according to height, placing the tallest against your fence and the lowest closest to your outdoor area. Choose plants by density of leaves to create a thicker barrier. I would recommend a mixture of evergreens with deciduous trees or shrubs mixed in to give seasonal change while keeping a year round barrier. Then choose lower growing plants to fill in the bottom and act as a border.
Give thought to colors of leaves and flowers when making selections. Don’t hesitate to consult with the experts at your local nursery, they are always happy to help. When you actually decide to place the plants, do not forget to give them room to grow!


This will not cure all sound problems, but it will help muffle and absorb most of it. A garden will add beauty to your landscape and peace to your space.
I intentionally do not give plant recommendations because every area is completely different. This is to give you an idea of using textures and colors together to create a pleasing garden that will help suppress sound.





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Spring time is showing itself in small stages in Northern Nevada. It is a beautiful sight when the valleys are lush with green trees, roses blooming and bees in flitting here and there.

Crab Apple Trees Are Such Show-Offs!

Crab Apple Trees Are Such Show-Offs!

It does tend to come with false starts though. We’ve had snow this week but the trees are still blooming. I usually enjoy the show my fruit trees put on in the spring but have never experienced any of the fruit.

The fruit trees I have were planted on the property when I moved in. Lovely dwarf plum, apple, peach and almond trees were spread all over the place. I transplanted them into smaller groupings for water conservation and close for enjoyment. I will have a lovely show of flowers before the leaves pop out. But every spring we have a cold snap and none of the trees have ever produced fruit.

I’m never one to waste a good, strong plant. I’m not sure if the previous owner realized these trees were not a good choice for our area, or if he just wanted a pretty show too. Either way, they bring the first displays that a new year of growing has begun.

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ph02829j1I keep seeing headlines for articles like ‘Save Money – Grow a Garden’. When I read the actual article, I want to yell “HA! You really think it is that easy?” These short and sweet features are not written by gardeners. If they were, these lucky gardeners live in gardening heaven because instructions like “Plant seeds when warm, water and feed your family all summer” don’t work anywhere I have ever lived.
Working in Dirt
Some people might like the appeal of saving money by growing their own vegetables, but a show stopper is actually getting dirt. While I think it is great, I know many people who just DO NOT ENJOY IT. And that’s ok! Gardening is a labor of love but it is about fertilizer, soil amendments, etc.
There are always options though. Hire a professional. Ask at your local nursery, they might offer services. Friends and neighbors usually give references as well. Not all professionals are expensive but you have to ask to find out.
If hiring is out of the budget, ask a gardening friend to help out. I love to get my hands on other people’s dirt!
This can be an art, depending on where you live. In our clay soil, it is a constant monitoring process to make sure the garden doesn’t have too much or too little water. And with the weather, the soil changes every year too, since we are constantly amending it for improvement.
Plant Choices
Once again, I recommend checking with your local nursery. There are different hybrids for every climate and elevation. My plants need to withstand harsh sun and wind while producing in a short growing season. Other areas may be able to plunk a Beefsteak Tomato in the ground and have more produce than they can eat. (I really envy those people) The best advice you will get is from other gardener’s experience.
Gardening is a wonderful way to subsidize your income. But it is work. Fortunately, it is work that I love to do!

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Good day, good news!
I have received my list in the mail for the plants offered for sale at the Washoe County Nursery. Time to plan. Time to research.
This makes me a happy girl!
I have to admit, this isn’t a program for everyone.
You must have a minimum 1 acre property and have an evironmental purpose for planting.
From the Nursery site:
Qualifications for the purchase of plants
The program is not intended to provide landscaping materials for small home lots. The purpose of the program is to provide locally adapted, affordable trees and shrubs to conserve and enhance Nevada’s natural resources through conservation plantings such as:
Erosion control
Post-fire rehabilitation
Wildlife habitat
Water Conservation
Mine reclamation
Wetland and riparian restoration
Washoe State Tree Nursery

Washoe State Tree Nursery

My needs definitely run to erosion control, wildlife habitat (birds) and water conservation. I have bought honey locust saplings that are growing great. The biggest advantage for me is the nursery provides Caragana (most people call it Russian Olive). This is a pretty plant that grows strong with no attention, extremely little water and is extraordinarily soil tolerant. I will research other options for erosion control at the top of the swale [insert link] at the top of my swale, but my final decision will be made after talking to the folks at the nursery. I have had wonderful experiences learning from the staff and they never fail to help me make better decisions about my plantings!

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Do you want a bargain in Northern Nevada? Time has finally arrived. Interest rates are lower than ever, and prices are lower than ever. You can now buy a house in Northern Nevada for $75,000 starting price. Call us right away to reserve the best deals available.

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Do you want a bargain in the Northern Nevada area? Now is the time. TODAY we have 933 bank owned properties in Northern Nevada. You can now buy a condo in Reno for $29,000 starting price. Let’s face it, Is a super good time to buy. Call us right away to reserve the best deals available.

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